It finally got hot this past week in North Carolina. We were just talking about how nice the weather has been - warm breezy afternoons and comfortable evenings - and it got HOT. I shouldn't complain -- after all, it IS July, and before you know it -- it will be September and the weather will be cooler again.
We just returned from a great trip from the Northeast where the temperatures were unusually cool we were told - due to all the clouds and rain. Needless to say we didn't mind the cooler temperatures at all as it made for some great motorcycling and sightseeing weather.
We trailed the bike behind our vehicle as we brought Sabrina with us. We stopped in Pennsylvania to see Blaise's sister and her family and Sabrina stayed with them after we took her to NYC. Blaise and I then took the motorcycle up through PA, DE, NJ, NY and VT. As you may know, the weather on the east coast has been horrendous - with daily downpours lasting for weeks. We did get two full days of rain - but doning our rain gear, we refused to let the bad weather stop our journey. Here are a few quick shots of our trip:
Roadside in Vermont...
Blaise & Cathie in Times Square....

Row Houses in Greenwich Village....

Way too many taxis in NYC....

MOMA - Museum of Modern Art....

Undercover in Upstate New York....
Isn't she pretty???

We're back home safe and sound and ready to resume the busiest time of year for our company. and our clients. People are shuffling about the country in a desperate attempt to get packed up, moved and settled in to North Carolina before school starts.
Give us a call and let us help you with a smooth and seamless relocation. It's what we do - and we're really good at it! And don't forget to visit our Carolina Pines Website where you can search for homes without passwords, check out employment, the schools, neighborhoods, culture and recreation.
Whatever you're up to this week - have a great one!