It's about time! We have been patiently waiting the first of April as that is the approximate cut off date for a "freeze" here in NC. What does that mean??? Well, that means we
can go outside and play in the dirt!!! And here at the Recca house -- we LOVE to play in the dirt.
Bulbs and Vegetable seedlings we have been tenderly nurturing inside the house can now be set into their "growing space" in the garden. Yeah - I may have to go outside and cover them up
with a blanket or sheet one or two more nights if the temperatures drop -- but that's okay -- because they are finally in the dirt and ready to "GrOw!"
Blaise has been walking around the property pruning and cutting down a few dead trees. It's good to get a jump on things before the growing season gets into full swing.
Right now the Azaleas are exploding with color while the Bradford Pear and Cherry Trees are begining to loose their flowers and are starting to leaf out already.
Just when we've had enough of winter -- spring kicks in. That's one of the great things about living in North Carolina -- winter is short and sweet!
1 comment:
north Carolina is the prettiest place i have ever been to. the pictures you took are really beautiful. i don't know if you have heard of it but its called "pretty place chapel". it is the prettiest place i think thats on the north carolina/south carolina border. thats where i want to get married.
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