One of our favorite things to do is to take off early in the morning on the motorcycle and head out to the farmer's market. The Raleigh Market is awesome -- it's huge!
We love to stroll down the isles tasting samples as we go of fesh strawberries, apples, cider and honey. There are rows and rows of fresh vegetables in season and at the very end of the market are all the plants. That's my favorite section. They have the most gorgeous geraniums, petunias, flowering bushes and flowering trees. Come to think about it -- I think that's why Blaise likes to take the motorcycle when we head out there -- so we can't buy too much as we can't transport it!!
The main market downtown also has a fabulous restaurant that only uses items sold by local farmers -- so everything is fresh, fresh, fresh. Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, Fresh Bacon and Eggs -- it's wonderful. You gotta get there early though -- because that place is packed all the time.
What's also great about our farmer's market here is that they have set up little markets all over the county so that if you don't have time to go all the way downtown -- chances are you'll pass right by one one the way home from work. They have one set up in historic Wake Forest, and a few up off Capital Boulevard right in Raleigh.
Strawberry stands are everywhere right now. We live just down the street from a BP Gas Station -- and they have a huge strawberry stand right out front - we drive by it every day so fresh strawberries are at our beck and call. We eat them every day in something -- strawberry protein shakes, strawberry smoothies, fruit salad, etc. Scroll down below for one of my favorite strawberry pie recipes.
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