Happy New Year.
Can you believe we are starting a new decade? We sure can't.
The older we get, the quicker time passes. And the quicker time passes - the less we should procrastinate in making our dreams come true.
What are your plans for 2010? Are you still thinking of relocating? Are you still longing for a better quality of your life for you and your family?
If you are like many people - the answer is YES. Now more than ever.
It seems that with the downturn of the economy, many people are re-focusing their attention and their lives. While the past decade was in many ways, one of decadence - it appears that this next decade, for many - is going to be one of sustenance.
We have heard (at least in our neck of the woods) that the economy is turning around. Home sales are increasing, foreclosures are in the process of decreasing, and things are starting to move again in the real estate market. While we are not yet getting too excited - I will say that we have notice small fissures in the ice. Houses that we've had sitting on the market for a good amount of time - are finally starting to move - but not without alot of sweating. And while lenders have tightened their belts a bit - there is still plenty of money out there to be lent and a good lender can sure help the process to be less stressful and successful.
People are starting to wake up from their hibernation and are begining to make inquiries - of banks, of mortgage brokers and of real estate agents. THIS is a positive sign - one we have noticed by the number of calls that are coming into our office from out-of-state buyers.
With the extension now of the home buyers tax credit to April, 2010 - there is still plenty of time for you to take advantage of not only the tax credit, but low interest rates, and some outstanding home values - particularly in this area.
Let's talk about your options and what you can expect along the road to making your dream of moving to North Carolina -- a reality. We know you have tons of questions -- and we're here to help.
Happy New Year!
Let's Make 2010 the year you finally make your MOVE to beautiful North Carolina.
Blaise & Cathie
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