Just like this little bee here - North Carolina is covered in a blanket of pollen. It's unbelieveable!
We welcome spring as there is nothing more beautiful than spring in North Carolina - but having said that -with spring - comes beautiful flowers - and with those flowers comes POLLEN.
Thankfully the blanket of yellow we see covering everything from our cars, to our porches, to our pets (yes, Tobie and Gizmo get covered in pollen every time they go outside!) is not typically the kind that makes you sneeze and get itchy eyes. It's the stuff you can't see that usually makes you miserable - if, of course, you are allergic to pollen. And even if you're not allergic - it's sure to bring about a least a sneeze or two.
Not to worry though - it doesn't last long, and a few good bouts of rain will wash all of that yellow stuff off of the cars, and the porches and the pets and it will be all but a memory. Leaving us with only a bounty of beautiful flowering trees, bulbs and plants - to enjoy!
So come on out and pay us a visit. It's a beautiful time of year - with warm breezy days and cool, comfortable evenings. And while you're here - give us a call. Let us take you on a grand tour of the Raleigh area - and show you all of the reasons the Triangle area is one of the nation's top places to live, work and play!
Happy Spring Everybody!
Blaise & Cathie
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